I gotta tell ya', sometimes a vacation is just the thing. You come back feeling so refreshed and ready to get back into the old grind; even the old binky seems to shine again. There is a dude ranch in northern Montana, you gotta go. Fishing, skeet shooting, my favorite is wrangling them heffers. Heifers. Whatever.
Maybe one day I will actually make it there myself.
If my parents will let me.
Ha, fat chance of that ever happening. Always strapping me down into this chair or that, oppressing me. I'm forming a Union, dang it. I'm going to call it B.O.O.B. for Bevies Of Oppressed Babies. Or B.R.E.A.S.T. for Babies Rising Ep Against Stifling Totalitarianism. I want to
be free, be free to ride a mustang over fields of....grain, or sorghum, I guess. Grass would be good too.